Web Service Integration

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With this functionality, the CountThings from Photos app can be connected to any system through a web service and be able to create calls to send results and import data to any system.
The Web Service Integration is designed for company use, for importing and exporting data through a web service created by the company’s IT department. You need a valid user account and a paid license to use this functionality.
For a better understanding, we will be using our platform to simulate an API call. The links provided in this guide can be accessed for testing purposes. In this guide we will focus on importing data through a web service call. Follow this guide to learn how to export data other systems through a web service address.
Configurate the Web Service
1. Open https://countthings.com/en/log in to your Account ➜ click Log In
2. Open https://countthings.com/testformsync ➜ Verify if you are still logged in to your account ➜ click on Add Field
3. Add your Field details
A. DescriptionWrite the description of your filed (e.g. Material)
B. ValueWrite the value you want to automatically add in the app (e.g. Steel)
4. Repeat the process to add another field
A. Click on Add Field
B. DescriptionWrite the description of your filed (e.g. Size and Length)
C. ValueWrite the value you want to automatically add in the app (e.g. 0.15x 2m, 0.2 x 3m, 0.2 x 4m) In this example we added more values to be added by the call.
5. Click Save ➜ A confirmation pop up should appear ➜ Click OK
Form Settings
Create a Form with all the fields to be filled with data from the web service call. Because we want 2 fields to be automatically completed by the web service call response (e.g. Material and Size and Length), we will create a Form containing these fields, named exactly the same as in the web service call.
The Form can contain other fields too, but they will not be filled automatically.
1. Open the CountThings from Photos mobile app ➜ SettingsForm Builder
2. Create a new Form (e.g. Test)
3. To add the Material Field created in the web service call
A. Tap +Add field
B. Add a Textbox by tapping the “+” button
C. As a text description, type the description added in the web service call. (e.g. Material) ➜ tap Save
4. To add the Size and Length field created in the web service call
A. Tap +Add field
B. Add a Dropbox by tapping the “+” button (e.g. we added a dropbox because the Size and Length field contains multiple values in the web service call)
C. As a text description, type the description added in the web service call. (e.g. Size and Length) ➜ tap Save
5. Return in the Settings menu by tapping Back
Create API (web service integration) call in app
1. From Settings ➜ go to Web Service Integration
2. Tap +ADD CALL
3. Tap the „+” button from the INBOUND Webservice call
4. Edit Call Screen
A. Add your web service address (e.g. countthings.com/getformsync)
B. From AUTHENTIFICATION, choose from None or Basic access authentication. By selecting Basic access authentication, you will set up a username and a password, which will be required when receiving the data. (e.g. None)
C. From WHEN TO SEND, select your preferred  momentfor receiving the webservice call data, during the counting process. (e.g. we select Manually (show button in form) add the button name we named it Get Webservice Response Call
D. Tap Done ➜ Done again ➜ Back
1. Home Screen ➜ choose the Counting Template to use ➜ USE EXISTING PHOTO or TAKE NEW PHOTO (e.g. COUNT FROM SAMPLE PHOTO)
2. In Prepare Screen Go to Forms
3. In Fill out forms Screen Tap GET WEBSERVICE RESPONSE CALL
4. Your Form Fields will be automatically updated with the data from the web service call
5. You can choose the value from the dropdown automatically completed in Form for Size and Length
6. Tap Back
7. Count your photo and Save the results
Inbount & Outbound example
For Inbound & Outbound webservice, the process it’s almost the same:
Home ScreenSettingsWeb Service Integration+ADD CALL ➜ Tap the „+” button from the INBOUND & OUTBOUND webservice call.
The Edit Call Screen remains the same, and you can configurate it using your unique web service adress. The Fields from the Forms in the app must be the same as the ones set up in the web service call. Here is an example:
A. Request body example
B. Response body example
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