Sort and Count Grape Berries by Size
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Increase productivity and improve your working time when you want to sort and count boxes of grape berries, using the Grapes, Beans, Cherries & Berries ID: 022 Counting Template.
1. Home Screen ➜ Templates ➜ Get the “Grapes, Beans, Cherries & Berries” ID:022 Counting Template.
2. Open the photo.
3. Settings ➜
Forms ➜ Click
“NEW FORM” and give it a relevant name. We will use this Form to
sort out the grape berries by size. To learn more about creating Forms, see the
Create and Customize Forms guide.
A. Click “ADD FIELD” ➜ Select the Count Radio Group from the list by clicking “+”.
B. Check the “Auto count clustering”
C. Add the grape sizes (e.g. Small, medium, large) to the Form by clicking “Add new item”.
D. Click “Save & Exit”.
4. Optional - Define Count Area of interest by selecting the
“Count Area” button to count only a portion of the photo. Hold down the left mouse and draw the area.
For more details, see the
“Define Count Areas” guide.
5. Click Count.
6. Review the results ➜ Use the
“Count Review” which allows you to see the counted items closer. Also, to modify the results you can
add, delete or
move tags using the mouse. For more details, see the
“Correct Errors” guide.
7. Click Save. Your result photos are in your computer in the folder named CountThingsResults.
Get more accurate counting results
If the counting results are not accurate enough, use the Calibration Tool to create a new Counting Template optimized to your photo.
1. Turn on the tool and you will see the circular Calibration Tool and its Tool Box displayed over the photo.
2. Move the Tool on a grape ➜ Use the Tool Box to specify the minimum and maximum size of a grape.
3. Give it a relevant name and click “Save”.
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