1. Take photos of the items you want to create a Counting Template for.
Note: Make sure when you take the photo that the items
- are in the center of the image and occupy the largest possible area of the image.
- are directly across from the camera to minimize perspective distortions.
2. Open the CountThings from Photos app on your computer.
3. From Home Screen ➜ Press "Templates" and the Templates Library will open.
4. Scroll all the way down to the end of the page ➜ Press the "REQUEST TEMPLATE"
5. In the Support window ➜ Select from the list "Request a new counting template" ➜ Type the details of your counted items ➜ Attach some photos with the counted items ➜ Press "Send".
Pentru mai multe informații, te rugăm să contactezi Echipa de Suport
support@CountThings.com. De asemenea, poți solicita o
întâlnire virtuală cu experții noștri pentru a discuta cum vă putem oferi cea mai bună experiență de numărat.