Read Barcodes from counting photos
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By following this guide, you will learn how to configurate your Form Settings to Read Barcodes in the counting process.
CountThings from Photos Windows App allows you to Read Barcodes from the counting photos. This feature can be set up in the Form, and used by configurating a Textbox or a Dropdown.
Please note that in order to Read Barcodes, our app requires high quality photos containing visible barcodes of the products you are counting.
First of all, you have to create a
Form. If you don’t know how to create a Form, please visit this
guide. In our example, we will name our Form
Barcode Example.
Read Barcodes and automatically write the value in a Textbox
1. Form Settings
A. Click + ADD FIELD
B. From Values, add a Textbox by clicking the “+” button
C. Click Close
2. Textbox settings
A. From Info ➜ Description ➜ Give your Textbox a relevant name (e.g. Product Code)
B. From Sync value with ➜ check Sync with image barcode
C. From Select barcode source ➜ choose From Camera or From Image, depending on your workflow (e.g. From Image)
D. Click Save & Exit
E. Save again in the Settings Window
3. Counting process
A. Open your photo
B. Make sure you are using the right Counting Template
C. Open the Form Filler (the small arrow from the right side of the screen)
D. Click Count
E. The Product Code field will be automatically completed based on the Barcode from the counting photo
F. Click Save
Read Barcodes and automatically sync Form Values from Dropdowns
If you want
to import values from CSV/Excel files, please visit this
1. Form Settings
A. Click + ADD FIELD
B. From Values, add a Dropdown by clicking the “+” button (e.g. we added 3 dropdowns, for Product Code, Diameter, Length)
C. Click Close
2. Product Code Dropdown settings
A. Select the first Dropdown
B. From Info ➜ Description ➜ Give your Dropdown a relevant name (e.g. Product Code)
C. To sync all dropdown from this Form, go to Properties ➜ check Sync in Form
D. From Sync selection with ➜ check Sync with image barcode
E. From Select barcode source ➜ choose From Camera or From Image, depending on your workflow (e.g. From Image)
F. Import values from ➜ CSV/EXCEL ➜ Import (e.g. we imported the product codes from a CSV, but you can also add them manually or from other sources)
3. Diameter Dropdown settings
A. Select the second Dropdown
B. From Info ➜ Description ➜ Give your Dropdown a relevant name (e.g. Diameter)
C. From Properties ➜ check Sync in Form
D. Import values from ➜ CSV/EXCEL ➜ Import (e.g. we imported the diameters of the products)
4. Length Dropdown settings (repeat the process from the point above)
A. Select the third Dropdown
B. From Info ➜ Description ➜ Give your Dropdown a relevant name (e.g. Length)
C. From Properties ➜ check Sync in Form
D. Import values from ➜ CSV/EXCEL ➜ Import (e.g. we imported the lengths of the products)
5. Save & Exit
6. Save again in the Settings Window
7. Counting process
A. Open your photo
B. Make sure you are using the right Counting Template
C. Open the Form Filler
D. Click Count
E.The Product Code dropdown will be automatically selected based on the Barcode from the counting photo
F. The Diameter and the Lenght will automatically change based on Product Code
F. Click Save
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