Definește Zona de Numărare - Windows PCs & Tablets

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When your photo has more objects than the stack you want to count, define the counting area and obtain relevant results for the selected items.
To exemplify how to use the Define Area Tool, we will be using a photo containing rebars. By specifying only a portion of the image to be counted, the counting can be performed more accurately.
1. Open your photo
2. From the left side of the Home Screen, you can use the Define Area Tool in two different ways. Switch on the toggle of your preferred option.
  • Auto Area – Our app will automatically define an area based on the center most item bundle.
  • Manual Area – Allows you to define your specific counting area, telling the app what items to include in the counting process and exclude potentially distracting backgrounds.
3. Let’s focus on how to use the Manual Area. Switch on the Manual Area
Defining an area of interest can be done using two methods:
A. Method 1Hold down the left mouse button and drag around the area containing the items you want to be included in your counting. The area will automatically close when the left mouse button is released.
B. Method 2 ➜ Create 4 handles to include the items you want to count, by clicking the mouse in 4 points. You can add more handles to adjust the area to the items you want to count.
4. Refine Area
You can refine the area by adding, deleting or moving handles.
  • Left click along an area line (the blue line) to add a handle when using Method 2, to expand your counting area.
  • Right click a handle to delete it.
  • Left click and drag a handle to move it.
5. Count your items by clicking Count.
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