Cum sa Creezi și sa Personalizezi Formulare
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The Form Feature allows you to create and customize your Form by including important details about your counted objects and their results. It’s important to know that this feature is not only useful for exporting counting data to a CSV file, but it also facilitates the automatic addition of supplementary data to Forms, such as GPS coordinates, Volume of products, Total counts, and more.
In order to fully benefit from the Form Feature, we divided this guide into 3 major steps: Saving Configuration, Create & Customize Form, Example.
Saving Configuration
Home Screen ➜ Settings ➜ Saving & Integration
From WHAT TO SAVE section, you can choose the data you want to store when you press SAVE in our app. In this example, we want to save the Input Photo and the Result Photo. The Data Files are toggled On because we want to generate a Result Data File (CSV File).
From WHERE TO SAVE section, we enabled the Photo Gallery, so we can access the result photo directly from the phone gallery.
For a better management of the counting data, we decided to have the Device Storage and the Cloud Serviced toggled On. By doing this, we are saving our result data locally on our device and also externally using a cloud service, such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive.
! To access the saved results/CSV files on your device, pay attention to the details from Folder Structure. You will see where exactly to find the stored data, or follow the next path on your device:
Internal Storage ➜ Documents ➜ CountThings ➜ The name of your device (ex. S20+)
Create and Customize Form
Home Screen ➜ Settings ➜ Form Builder ➜Tap + NEW FORM ➜ Give your form a relevant name (e.g. Form Example) ➜ Tap + ADD FIELD
Here are all the available Fields you can add on your Form.
Scroll down to browse through the available Fields and tap the "+" button to add one in your Form.
- Text Box
- List
- Total Count
- Auto-increment Numeric Box
- User Email
- Barcode List
- Volume
- Date
- GPS Coordinates
- Type Classification
In our example, we will add in our Form a Text Box, a Total Count and a Date field.
1. Add Text Box field
A. + ADD FIELD ➜ Tap the „+” button from Text Box
B. Complete the Field Title (e.g. Order number)
C. Complete the Default Value (e.g. 27)
D. Switch on or off the toggles from the Text Box FIELD OPTIONS (e.g. we switched off the toggle from Reset value on new photo)
2. Add Total Count field
A. + ADD FIELD ➜ Tap the „+” button from Total Count
B. Complete the Field Title (e.g. Total Count)
3. Add Date field
A. + ADD FIELD ➜ Scroll down through fields ➜ Tap the „+” button from Date
B. Complete the Field Title (e.g. Counting Date)
4. Tap Save after adding all the relevant fields to your Form.
5. Tap „< Back” twice to return to Home Screen.
Because we added the Total Count Field, we will count from multiple photos.
Home screen ➜ Use Existing Photo or Take New Photo ➜ Count ➜ Save ➜ Tap New Photo to take a new photo or Tap the Home button to select USE EXISTING PHOTO.
After you repeted the process and Saved the last photo you want to count from, go to Forms.
The Fill out forms Screen will open and you can edit the information if needed. To leave this screen, press Done.
You can access our counted photos in the device Photo Gallery and you will find the CSV file in the internal Device Storage or in the Cloud Service chosen previously.
This is how our Form looks like in CSV format:
Extra Steps
To return to a Form
Home Screen ➜ Settings ➜ Form Builder ➜ Tap the EDIT button of the Form you want to return to.
- To delete a Form, repeat the steps above to enter the Form you no longer want to use. Click on the Delete form red button at the top of the screen, under SETTINGS.
- To upload a Form to your Account and be able to use it in other devices, mobile or Windows:
Home Screen ➜ Settings ➜ Form Builder ➜ Tap the Upload to account button ➜ You will receive a green message after uploading it succesfully.
- For every field added, you can hide the FIELD OPTIONS dropdown by tapping „Hide Λ”.
- You can delete any field by tapping the Delete red button of the field.
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