Introducere și Configurare

Învata sa utilizezi aplicatia noastra - Windows PCs & Tablets

This guide walks you through using the CountThings from Photos app for Windows for the first time.

What are Counting Templates

What are Counting Templates and how to use them.

Schimbă Șablonul de Numărare

Learn how to change the Counting Template to match the counted object.

Request Personalized Counting Template

Personalized counting template

Find the log files on Windows App

Our support team at CountThings from Photos App can fix any in app error by having access to your log file.

Bazele Numărării

Integreaza cu procesul

Save results to your device or send them to other systems through external web services or cloud services.

Defineste zonele de numarare - Windows PCs & Tablets

Restrict counting to a specific area of the photo.

Corectarea rezultatelor

Correct errors by adding, deleting, and moving tags/markers.

Instrumente Specializate

Read Barcodes

Learn how to read barcodes from counting photos using CountThings from photos app

Verifica numaratori mari folosind grila

With CountThings from photos app you can count automatically and review large counts using grid.

Audit Trail Configuration

Learn how to configure the Audit Trail functionality in CountThings from Photos app

Volume Feature

Creating the Volume feature in a Form.

Pipes in Pipes - Windows

Count using the “Pipes in Pipes” Counting Template

Numarare automata neasistata

Set up CountThings from Photos to count objects from images you saved in a specific folder, without having to upload each image separately into the app.

Integrare de Date

Creaza și Customizeaza Formulare

Create and use Forms to capture data related to counted objects and export it to a CSV file.

Integrate Math Formulas in your Form

Add, Decrease, Multiply or Divide the counted result with a Value established by you, by integrating math formulas to your form.

Total Count Form - Advanced

Automatically count different objects from multiple photos and keep track of the total count result with CountThings from Photos app.

Personalizarea formularelor prin integrarea unei bazei de date

Customize your Form using Database Integration to improve your counting data management.

Save Results in CSV Format

Save your Counting Results or the additional Data from the Forms to a CSV/Excel format.

Save Results to Other Systems – Web Service

Send your results to other systems anywhere in the world through a web service address.

Integrari din baza de date - Simplu

Basic guide for using the CountThings from Photos app Database Integration for Windows PC's & Tablets function.

Integrari din baza de date - Avansat

Advanced guide for using the CountThings from Photos app Database Integration for Windows PC's & Tablets function.

Create Reports using the Windows app

Learn how to create and customize a Report and export it to a PDF file using our app.

Send Emails Using the App

Send Emails containing counting data and result images.

Integration with Sensors

This video guide describes the requirements and setup you will need to use sensors to trigger actions within the CountThings from Photos app.

Integrate Results - OPC

Learn how to integrate count results with the OPC server.

Review Saved Results Photo (CNT)

Learn how to review and edit counted result photos using the .CNT file.

Planuri & Metode de Plata

Create Account and Reset Password

Learn how to create an account for the CountThings from Photos app.

Planuri & Plăți

This guide gives you more details about the available license types and how to obtain them.

Set up your Enterprise Account

Learn about Enterprise Accounts and access cost-effective licensing for your company.

Manage your Enterprise Account

Learn how effectively manage your CountThings Enterprise Account.

Create Users/Operators for your Enterprise Account

Learn how to create Users/Operators for your Enterprise Account for a better management of licenses.

Remote License Allocation

Your License will be allocated remotely by our support team for payments such as ACH, Check and International Wire.

Accesează Emailul Contului și Codul Dispozitivului

Learn how to find the device code of your CountThings from Photos account.

Prețuri Licențe “CountThings from Photos”

Explanation of the available types of licenses and their prices.

Exemple de Industrii