Send Emails Using the App

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By following this guide, you will learn how to send Emails containing counting data and result images using CountThings from Photos App.
Settings Configuration
From Home Screen:
A. Click Settings.
B. From the left side of the Settings Window ➜ click Integration.
C. Make sure you’re in Email Options settings.
D. Choose from which Email address you’ll be sending the e-mail by using the dropdown (e.g. Gmail).
E. Click on Sign in with Google ➜ After signing in with the email address, you should be able to see it in the app.
F. Click on Verify Configuration.
G. Check an option box to choose when the email will be sent (e.g. Sent when save image). This step is optional, because in the counting process we will have access to a Send Email button, which can be used manually.
H. Click Save.
In certain situations, our app may require additional information, depending on the email address you are signed in with and the one you intend to use for sending emails.
If you find yourself in this situation, please reach out to your company's IT department to request the necessary email credentials for your address.
Form Configuration
In order to choose what to send in your email, you need to configure the settings in a new or existing Form.
Please visit Create and Customize Forms if you’re not familiar with the Form feature.
1. Home Screen ➜ Settings ➜ Forms
2. In our example we will create a Form named Example, containing 2 Textboxes – one for Operator and another one for Product.
Please keep in mind that you can add any other field to your Form, or use an already existing one.
3. Click on +ADD FIELD ➜ Click on the „+” from the Mail Button ➜ Click Close
4. Click on Email Settings
5. The Email Settings Window will appear:
A. Write the receiver’s email address (e.g.
B. Write the email address(es) in the CC section (e.g. none).
C. From What to send, enter the Email Subject (e.g. date – 01.17.2024).
D. To add the count results in your email ➜ click the „+” button near the Default and Count Result dropdowns.
E. To add other data from the Form ➜ click the Default dropdown and select your Form (e.g. Example) ➜ click the Count Result dropdown and select the name of the field to be added (e.g. Operator) ➜ click the “+” button.
F. Repeat the process for the other fields from your Form.
G. For a better content structure of your email, we advise you to split the added fields in different rows.
H. At the bottom of the Email Settings Window you can choose to attach additional data by checking your option box (e.g. Attach result image)
I. Click OK.
6.Click Save & ExitSave again from the Settings Window
Send Email
We will send the email after counting from a photo:
A. We will send the email after counting from a photo:
B. Open your photo.
C. Make sure that your Active Counting Template matches the items from your photo.
D. Click Count.
E. Open the Form Filler (click on the arrow from the right side of the Home Screen).
F. Click on Send Email (optional, because in Settings Configuration we already choose to send the email when we save the image).
That’s it. Now you can verify your Sent emails section from your email account. You should be able to see the email sent from CountThings from Photos App.
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