Measure Diameter for Logs using LiDAR – iOS

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This will guide you through the steps of how to use the Logs Measurement Template to determine the diameter of logs and their count.
This feature is available on iOS mobile devices: iPhone 12 Pro and newer versions (including Pro Max); and iPads: 11-inch iPad Pro and 12.9-inch iPad Pro (from 2020 to 2023 and Pro Max).
For this feature, the app uses embedded technologies in iOS hardware and software algorithms to determine the distance and the objects’ diameters. (LiDAR)
How to use it
1. From Home ScreenTemplates
2. In the search bar, type Logs Measurement 2 and tap GET
USE EXISTING PHOTO is not available. You must take new photos each time you want to do a new measurement.
4. The right distance and the measurements accuracy are determined by the size of the objects. For stacked logs, placed in trucks or in piles, the recommended distance is between 1.5 and 7 meters. Objects must be centered in the photo and as visible as possible.
A. The app issue a distance warning by turning the app’s frames red when the objects are too close.
B. When the distance is right for the counting, the app validates it by turning green.
5. After you properly took the photo, tap Use Photo.
6. The Prepare Screen will open. Tap COUNT.
7. The Review Screen will open.
At the top of your screen, you will see the counting result. The tags with the log’s diameter are displayed on each detected item.

Tap SAVE to store your counting data.
For more accurate results
Sometimes the photo you take may contain other stacks or noise in the background. For more accuracy, you can use Area Tool.
A. In Prepare Screen, after you took the photo, tap the Area button.
B. Draw the counting area using one finger. You can zoom in and pan the photo if needed using two fingers.
D. The results are displayed only for the selected logs.
E. Tap SAVE to store your counting data.
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