Create Account and Reset Password

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It’s time to set up your CountThings from Photos account! With this step complete you will have access to the tools and features of the counting app.
Create an account on Windows
1. Open the CountThings from Photos desktop app and click on create account.
2. Fill in the form with the required information ➜ Check the mandatory field " I accept the Terms of Service".
Now that you have created your account, look at our licenses and choose the best one that suits your business’s counting needs.
If you can't remember your password, you can reset it within a few quick steps.
Reset password on Windows app:
1. From Welcome Screen ➜ Click Log In .
2. Click Forgot Password?
3. Enter your account email address and press RESET PASSWORD. You will receive an email with further instructions about resetting your password.
If you don’t have access to the CountThings from Photos Windows app, you can set up a new password on our web page.
Reset password on the website:
1. Go to Count Things and click Log In.
2. Click Forgot Password? ➜ Insert your account email ➜ Click Continue and you will receive an email with further instructions about resetting your password.
Please check your Spam Folder of your e-mail account if you did not receive the reset password e-mail in the Inbox.
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