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Add texts, images, data, signatures and export the report as a PDF file using the Reports section from CountThings from Photos app.
When using the Reports feature, you can design your own layout, by adding various fields such as: address, company logo, title, data about the object, a picture of the counted products, a space for signing or the date of the report.
! It’s important to know that our Report feature is linked with the Form feature – this simply means that you can create a Report using data from a Form, or you can create it from scratch, without using already existing Form Data.
Set up the Form
For a better understanding of this feature, we will
initially create a Form with data we want to add in our
Report. We will add 5
a Textbox for the Operator Name, a Textbox for the Order Number, a Total Count and an Export and Print Button. Our Form will be named
Example. Click here to find more details on
how to create a Form.
1. Home Screen ➜ Settings ➜ Forms ➜ +NEW FORM ➜ Form Title: Example ➜ Ok
2. + ADD FIELD ➜ From Values add 2 Textboxes and a Total Count by clicking the "+". ➜ Close
A. Edit the First Textbox for the Operator Name
From Textbox Settings ➜ Info ➜ Change the Description to Operator Name and the Value to the name of the operator (e.g. John Smith)
From Textbox Settings ➜ Properties ➜ Deselect Reset with new image
B. Edit the Second Textbox for the Order Number
From Textbox Settings ➜ Info ➜ Change the Description to Order Number and the Value to the number of the order (e.g. #1234)
From Textbox Settings ➜ Properties ➜ Deselect Reset with new image
C. Edit the Total Count
From Total Count Settings ➜ Properties ➜ Select Auto Run
3. +ADD FIELD ➜ From Buttons add Export Button and Print Button by clicking the "+" icon. ➜ We will edit them at step 13, 14 and 15.
4. Click Save & Exit
5. You will be redirected to the Settings Window ➜ Click Save.
Create the Report
6. Go to Settings ➜ Reports ➜ Add Report ➜ Insert your new report name (e.g. Report example) ➜ Click Ok to save the new Report design.
7. When creating a Report, we divide the screen in 3 sections:
A. On the Left side of the screen there are the main tabs from which we can add data in our report – Default, Custom and Example. The Default and Custom tabs are always available in the Report feature and the Example has the Form data we just created above.
B. On the middle side of the screen, you can create multiple pages and select which section of the page to edit: the Page Header, Footer or the Report Content.
C. On the Right side of the screen, you will see the Report Layout in Report Editor or in Report Preview
Edit the Report
8. Edit the Page Header
A. To add the address:
Go to Custom ➜ Click “+” to add a Text field ➜ Insert or write the address ➜ Edit ➜ Disable Show description in Report. (You can reposition the text by click-and-drag or edit it using the Edit Button from Report Editor)
B. To add the logo of your company:
From Custom ➜ Image ➜ Browse your image ➜ Click "+" to add the image of the logo. (You can reposition and edit the image by click- resize-drag)
9. Edit the Report Content
A. To add a title:
From Custom ➜ Click "+" to add a Text field ➜ Write the title ➜ Edit ➜ Disable Show description in Report. (You can reposition the text by click-and-drag or edit it using the Edit Button from Report Editor)
B. To add data about your counting, from the existing Form:
Go to Example ➜ Click "+" to add the preferred sections you want to add in your Report. (You can reposition the text by click-and-drag or edit it using the Edit Button from Report Editor)
C. To add the image you want to count:
Go to Custom ➜ Click "+" to add Counting Image field ➜ Edit ➜ Select Draw detected objects on the image. (You can reposition and edit the image by click- resize-drag)
D. To add the counted result:
Go to Default ➜ Click "+" to add Count items Field (You can reposition the text by click-and-drag or edit it using the Edit Button from Report Editor)
10. Edit the Page Footer
A. To add the date:
Go to Custom ➜ Date ➜ Custom or Use Today date ➜ Click “+” to add the Date field.
(You can reposition the text by click-and-drag or edit it using the Edit Button from Report Editor)
B. To add a signature space:
From Custom ➜ Click "+" to add Text field ➜ Write Signature in the text box ➜ Use the Textbox Edit button to disable Show description in report.
(You can reposition the text by click-and-drag or edit it using the Edit Button from Report Editor)
11. Save your Report
12. You will be redirected to the Settings Window. Click Save again.
13. Return in Settings ➜ Forms ➜ Example Form
14. Click on Export Button ➜ From Select Report template, select the name of your created Report ➜ Select Open result file after export ➜ Select Sync with save button ➜ Choose the Export Path option.
15. Click on Print Button ➜ From Select Report template, select the name of your created Report.
You can choose to enable Sync with Save Button if you want to automatically print the document after pressing Save.
16. Return to Home Screen by clicking Save & Exit ➜ Save
Use the Report
17. In Home Screen ➜ Choose the right counting template for your products ➜ Open your photo ➜ Count ➜ Save
The first PDF will be exported. For this example, we will count one more photo, so we can see a Total Count result.
18. In Home Screen ➜ Open your photo ➜ Count ➜ Save
Now we have two Reports that should look like this:
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