Import a Report design on the mobile version of CountThings app

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This material will guide you through the process of how to properly transfer and set up the Report feature created in the Windows version of CountThings App, on your mobile version.
Creating a Report is currently a feature available only on our Windows version of the app, but you can always choose to transfer a Report format on the Mobile app, by using your account. This will allow you to automatically use a report when counting on your Android.
1. CountThings from Photos Windows app Settings
A. From Home Screen go to SettingsReportsUpload Report.
B. From Home Screen go to SettingsFormsSelect the Form you worked with for the report ➜ Upload Form.
2. CountThings from Photos Mobile app Settings
A. From Home Screen go to SettingsForm BuilderAll FormsAccount FormsDownload the Form you previously uploaded.
B. Return to SettingsGeneral SettingsReports ➜ To download your report press GET ➜ The GET button will change to Settings ➜ Press Settings ➜ Set the report to Active ➜ Select Automatically after pressing Save option.
3. Determine where will your report be saved on mobile
From Home Screen go to SettingsSaving & Integration ➜ Scroll to WHERE TO SAVE and be sure to have the Device Storage or The Cloud Services On (depending on your preferences).
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