Count & Read With Barcodes On Mobile Device

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Improve your working time with barcodes by reading them directly from photos, scanning them and synchronizing them with CountThings from Photos Windows app.
Please note that in order to read barcodes, our app requires high quality photos containing visible barcodes of the items you are counting.
Count Barcodes with Counting Template
1. Change the current Counting Template to Barcodes ID: 234.
2. Return to Home Screen ➜ Tap “TAKE NEW PHOTO”.
3. Count.
4. To edit the counting results photo ➜ Use the Add, Delete and Size buttons from Tag Corrections. For more information about editing tags, see this guide.
5. Save the photo.
CountThings from Photos mobile app allows you to sync and read multiple barcodes from the counting photos. Set up this feature using Form. If you don’t know the steps to create a Form, read more about it in this guide.
Sync Barcodes using Textbox
1. Give the Form a relevant name (eg. Barcodes).
2. Add the Textbox field by tapping on “+ ADD FIELD” and give it a relevant name (eg. Barcodes value).
3. Open FIELD OPTIONS ➜ Turn on the “Scan from barcode” button and select the auto-scan barcode from photo option.
4. Save the Form.
5. Return to Home Screen ➜ Tap “TAKE NEW PHOTO”.
6. In Prepare Screen ➜ Go to Forms and you will see the barcode from the photo synced with the app.
Note: You can also sync the barcode with the camera by tapping “SCAN BARCODE”.
7. Count.
8. Save the photo.
9. You can find the results in the photo gallery.
Read Multiple Barcode Values
1. Give the Form a relevant name (eg. Barcodes).
2. Add the Barcode List field by tapping “+”.
3. Open FIELD OPTIONS and select the option to display value on result photo.
4. Save the Form.
5. Return to Home Screen ➜ Tap “TAKE NEW PHOTO”.
6. In the Prepare Screen tap “Forms” ➜ Tap on the Barcode list arrow to add barcodes value.
Note: You can add the barcode manually or scan it. In this example we will add the barcode manually (eg. ID RC 1206).
7. Type the barcode value ➜ tap “Add”.
8. Repeat the process with all the barcodes and after you finished ➜Tap “Done”.
9. Return to Prepare Screen ➜ Count.
10. Save the photo.
11. You can find the results in the photo gallery. The counting results photo has the total number of counted items and the barcode value.
Sync Barcodes using Dropdown (Windows)
1. Create a Form in CountThings from Photos Windows app and give it a relevant name (eg. Barcodes).
2. Form Settings .
A. Click “+ADD FIELD”.
B. Form Values ➜ Add a Dropdown by clicking the “+”
C. Click “Close”.
3. Dropdown Settings .
A. From InfoDescription ➜ Give the dropdown a relevant name (eg. Product Code).
B. Import the values you need from a database or an excel spreadsheet.
C. Go to Sync selection with ➜ Check Sync with image barcode. Select then your barcode source (camera or image).
D. To sync the form with the iOS device ➜ Click “Upload Form” and it will be uploaded in your CountThings from Photos account.
E. Save the Form.
4. Open CountThings from Photos mobile app.
5. Go to SettingsForms ➜ Activate the synced Form on the mobile app by tapping “DOWNLOAD”.
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