Save results to other systems

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With CountThings from Photos app you can send your results to other systems anywhere in the world through a web service address.
Our app comes in help when you choose to save your counting results through a web service address. Your results will have a JSON structure that can be converted or integrated to your database data or other systems.
If you don't have a Web Service Address already set up by your IT department, but you want to test this functionality, we recommend to use our sample Web Service Address:
Send results from CountThings From Photos Windows app:
1. From Home Screen ➜ click Settings
2. The Settings Window will open:
A. From the left side of the window, click Integration
B. From the top section, click Post Data Options
C. Choose when to post the data based on the workflow you need to set
3. Add your Web Service Address:
A. Click Edit to type or paste the web service address
B. Click Check to save the address
C. Click Save
Note: The Web Service Address is set up by your IT department as a connection to your Database or any other systems you are using.
4. Open the Settings window ➜ Click Forms
5. Click “+New Form” and name it or select an existing one ➜ Click Ok
6. + ADD FIELD ➜ Select web Post button by clicking + Close
7. Click on the Settings from the Web Post Button
8. Post Data Settings:
A. Select the web service address added previously
B. Select the data you want to send and add it using the + button
C. Select JSON format
D. Use Verify Connection to test the connection to your Web Service Address.
E. Click Ok
9. Click Save & Exit
10. Click Save again in the Settings window
11. Open the photo you want to count from ➜ Count itSave the result
12.  After you saved your counting data, it will be automatically exported to your web service address. This is how your counting result looks like when using our sample Web Service Address.
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