Integrate count results using Modbus server

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The Modbus server helps you integrate the counting results in the hardware using addresses, without your intervention.
This setup works for Windows devices (both computer and tablets) and it is recommended for the following scenario:
A tray with objects is coming on the conveyor ➜ The tray is in the right position to take the photo ➜ When step 2 is done, the camera  is triggered by the Modbus Server ➜ Now the image is counted and the results are saved automatically to a database or back to Modbus Server.
These are the steps needed to create the full setup:
Setup the Camera connection
  • 1.1 Go to SettingsCamera.
  • 1.2 Select the type of camera you are using and enable.
  • 1.3 Select the Start Camera when application starts.
  • 1.4 Select the Capture, Count & Save.
2. Setup the Modbus connection
  • 2.1 Go to SettingsIntegration.
  • 2.2 Select Modbus Options.
  • 2.3 Press on “+” sign to add a new connection.
  • 2.4 Add the IP address and Port number of your Modbus server.
  • 2.5 Press “Verify Connection” to make sure you are connected to your Modbus server ➜ Press OK.
3. Setup triggering the camera – the trigger action automizes the counting process
  • 3.1 Go to SettingsAlerts and Events.
  • 3.2 Select Events fieldModbus.
  • 3.3 Select Capture as trigger action.
  • 3.4 Enable the “Is Active” You can choose how to execute the action based on the Value Changed (use any value works when the value modifies) or the True/False Condition (the value changes when it becomes “true”).
  • 3.5 Enable “Reset to the initial value after action”after the option from above so the value will reset and start again the process based on the same condition (True/ False or Value Changed).
  • 3.6 Now edit the “Execute after Count” field (optional).
    • Select the connection from your Modbus server that you used from the beginning of the setup.
    • Select the “Write” operation because this action will begin after the capture process.
    • The other setting you must make is to select the Form and Item from where the data will be extracted.
4. Read the count result with Modbus
  • 4.1 Go to Forms ➜ Create a New Form ➜ Add a “Textbox”.
    The textbox field is synced with the Modbus server.
  • 4.2 Select “Sync with Modbus” box ➜ Go to Edit Modbus Value➜ Select the connection from your Modbus server you used in all settings from above.
  • 4.3 Select the input/output you want to work with (ex: Coil Outputs)Choose the Data Type that works the best for the input/output you chose (ex: decimal) ➜ Type an address offset (the next location where the data will be written).
  • 4.4 Press Ok.
5. Write the count result with Modbus
  • 5.1 Now add a “Modbus” button by pressing “Add Field”.
    When pressed the value will be saved to the Modbus Server.
  • 5.2 Press “Select Modbus value”The steps are the same as for Textbox field settings but instead of selecting “Read”, select the “Write” operation.
  • 5.3 When to choose from where the value is writtenSelect any Form and Item you want to work with, we used the “Default” Form and “CountResult”.
Before starting the counting, process don’t forget to SAVE the settings you made.
6. Run the process
  • 6.1 Go to Main Screen.
  • 6.2 Verify to have your camera opened.
  • 6.3 The Modbus will trigger the Capture action of the camera. Due to the setup from step 1.4 the counting and saving of the results will be done automatically.
  • 6.4 In the Form Filler (arrow on the right side of the screen) you will find the Form you created earlier ➜ In the textbox type the value you want the Modbus to writePress the Modbus button.
  • 6.5 The counting results are saved in the CountThingsResults folder.
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