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Case Studies
Audit Trail
Despre noi
Software Personalizat
Count From Video
Table of Contents
CountThings from Photos (iOS & Android)
Introducere și Configurare
Învata sa utilizezi aplicatia noastra
What are Counting Templates
Schimbă Șablonul de Numărare
Report Wrong Results
Request Personalized Counting Template
Log Files on Mobile App
Basic & Advanced Mode
Personalizează Interfața
Bazele Numărării
Integreaza cu procesul
Defineste zonele de numarare
Corectarea rezultatelor
Personalize your Workflow
Instrumente Specializate
Count With Barcodes
Count Multiple Layers of Objects
Count with Pipes in Pipes
Numara manual
Measure Diameter for Logs Automatically
Logs Measurement using LiDAR
Volume Feature
Integrare de Date
Creaza și Customizeaza Formulare
Import a Report Design on the Mobile App
Save Results in CSV Format
Saving Counting Results in the Cloud
Save Results to Other Systems – Web Service
Save results on Server Message Block - Android
Web Service Integration
InterApp Communication (iOS, Android)
Create Totals from Multiple Images - iOS
Create Totals from Multiple Images - Android
Planuri & Metode de Plata
Create Account and Reset Password
Planuri & Plăți
Set up your Enterprise Account
Manage your Enterprise Account
Create Users/Operators - Enterprise
Remote License Allocation
Accesează Emailul Contului și Codul Dispozitivului
Prețuri Licențe “CountThings from Photos”
Use the App without a Paid License
Exemple de Industrii
Count Logs-ID:066
Count Grapes and Berries
Count Bars and Rebars
Numara Tuburi si tevi
Numara foi de metal
Numara case pe Google Harti
CountThings from Photos (Windows)
Introducere și Configurare
Învata sa utilizezi aplicatia noastra
What are Counting Templates
Schimbă Șablonul de Numărare
Request Personalized Counting Template
Log Files on Windows App
Bazele Numărării
Integreaza cu procesul
Defineste zonele de numarare
Corectarea rezultatelor
Instrumente Specializate
Read Barcodes
Verifica numaratori mari folosind grila
Audit Trail Configuration
Volume Feature
Pipes in Pipes - Windows
Numarare automata neasistata
Integrare de Date
Creaza și Customizeaza Formulare
Integrate Math Formulas in your Form
Total Count Form - Advanced
Personalizarea formularelor prin integrarea unei bazei de date
Save Results in CSV Format
Save Results to Other Systems – Web Service
Database Integration - Simple
Integrari din baza de date - Avansat
Creaza Rapoarte folosind Aplicatia
Send Emails Using the App
Integration with Sensors
Integrate Results - OPC
Integrate Results - Modbus
Review Saved Results Photo (CNT)
Planuri & Metode de Plata
Create Account and Reset Password
Planuri & Plăți
Set up your Enterprise Account
Manage your Enterprise Account
Create Users/Operators - Enterprise
Remote License Allocation
Accesează Emailul Contului și Codul Dispozitivului
Prețuri Licențe “CountThings from Photos”
Exemple de Industrii
Sort and Count Grape Berries by Size
Numara Tuburi si tevi
Numara otel lung
Numara foi de metal
Numara busteni
Numara animale
Numara case pe Google Harti
Numara manual
CountThings from Photos (iOS & Android)
Exemple de Industrii
Pipes in Pipes ID:466
Count using the Pipes in Pipes Counting Template
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Disponibil pentru:
Count and verify each pipe size in particular, reclassify pipes according to their size, and save the count results in your gallery by using our “Pipes in Pipes” Counting Template.
Corrections may be required due to the complexity of the “Pipes in Pipes” template.
Here are the steps for the
“Pipes in Pipes” guide:
1. Home Screen
the current Counting Template to
"Pipes in Pipes"
(ID: 466, ver:019)
Tap the
“Take New Photo”
button and take a photo with the pipes you are working with.
Select the right size
(ex: 75 mm, 110 mm, 180 mm, 250 mm)
for the pipes from your list. You can also add the
expected quantity
(this is optional).
If you choose to add an expected quantity, you can compare it with the count result from each pipe size.
In the
Prepare Screen
➜ tap
Now that the pipes are counted, let’s explore the tools from the
Review Screen
5. Go
"Edit Pipes"
to see all the
and their colors.
A. First let’s get you familiar with the tools you will be working with:
1. Bar Size.
2. Counted pipes and expected quantity box.
3. Tag Selection section
4. Tag Corrections section.
B. To check
if each size was
counted correctly
➜ tap on
one size
at a time
(you can compare them with the expected quantity)
switch to a different pipe size,
we will take the following example:
If one
"110 mm"; pipe size
was counted as one
"180 mm" pipe
, you can change that by
using the “Tag Selection” section.
"180 mm"
size ➜ tap
right pipe
➜ tap the
"110 mm"
If you have
more pipes
that were tagged with a different size,
use the "Area" selection
to make the
same change
as above, to
multiple pipes at once
If you notice that a pipe
(ex: size 75 mm)
wasn't counted, you can use the
"Tag Corrections" (this applies when deleting a tag too).
and you will find the
final count results
in your photo gallery.
CountThings from photos app saves a result photo for every pipe size you counted.
Pentru mai multe informații, te rugăm să contactezi Echipa de Suport
. De asemenea, poți solicita o
întâlnire virtuală
cu experții noștri pentru a discuta cum vă putem oferi cea mai bună experiență de numărat.
Este posibil ca unele functionalitati sa nu functioneze în aceasta versiune mai veche a browserului. Te rugam sa o actualizezi cu o versiune mai noua.