Report Wrong Results

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You followed the right steps of the counting process, but the final counting results are not 100% accurate? We’ve got the solution for you. Send a ticket and our support team will solve the issue right away.
First make sure you are not in these three scenarios:
  • The current Counting Template is not the right one for your photo.
  • The photo is taken from a different perspective than the one suggested by the app.
  • The photo quality is poor.
What we are going to do is to report the photo to our support office. Here is how to do it:
1. From Review Screen ➜ tap "Wrong?" button.
2. You will be redirected to your Open Support Ticket. Add your name, your email address, your phone number and the company's name you work at. In the "Comments" field type the issue you have encountered with your photo. (ex: "I know there should be 58 logs in the pile from the photo, but the app counted 70.")
3. Tap "Send" and our support office will contact you as soon as possible.
Pentru mai multe informații, te rugăm să contactezi Echipa de Suport De asemenea, poți solicita o întâlnire virtuală cu experții noștri pentru a discuta cum vă putem oferi cea mai bună experiență de numărat.