Find the log files on Windows App

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When encountering an error in CountThings from Photos app, our experts can help fix it by using the log files from your computer
If an error occurs while using the app, it will be visible in the log files, and by accessing and sending the files to our support team, we can fix the problem.
To access the log files:
1. Prepare an email with a description about the error you are getting.
2. Attach the CountThings app logs.
  • To access it, open Start Menu and type %programdata% – click Open to access C:\ProgramData
  • The path for log files on your devices is:
    ProgramData ➜ Dynamic Ventures, Inc ➜ Counting App ➜ CountThings ➜ Logs.
    Please note that in order to fix the error, our team must receive the last saved log file.
3. Attach the log files in the prepared email and send it to us at
4. Our Support team will follow-up within 24 hours.
Pentru mai multe informații, te rugăm să contactezi Echipa de Suport De asemenea, poți solicita o întâlnire virtuală cu experții noștri pentru a discuta cum vă putem oferi cea mai bună experiență de numărat.