Log In
1. Click on login button ➜ Enter your Enterprise credentials ➜ Click Log in
2. These are the main options for managing the account. We will explain them separately, step by step.
1. It’s important to understand the interface of this section, so you can make appropriate actions for your Enterprise Account
A. First of all, you will be able to see your Pool of Licenses:
- Total licenses - is the total of purchased licenses;
- Assigned – the number of licenses that are currently assigned to a device;
- Unassigned – the number of licenses that are currently unassigned (available)
- End date – the expiration date of all the licenses in your Enterprise Account
Under the Pool of Licenses, you will be able to see all the details regarding devices, licenses status, users and more.
B. Device Code/Name – In this collumn, you can track each device that will log in using either the Admin e-mail or the created operator e-mail. Each device will have a unique Device Code and Name (e.g. Device Code – 001/ e.g. Name – S20+)
C. License status – Each devide that will log in using either the Admin e-mail or the created operator e-mail, will initially have an ACTIVE License. When the admin assignes a license, the status will change to ASSIGNED, and when a device has no license, the status will be NONE.
D. Users – Here you will be able to see the
e-mail address used for logging in. In our example all users logged in with the admin account, but if you create operators, you will see unique e-mail adreesses for each user. Learn how to Create Operators in this
E. Actions – This is the column where you can modify the License Status for any user. More details about the available actions in point 2 of this guide.
2. By clicking an Action button (three points button), you will be able to choose between Assigning a license, Removing a license, Moving a license and Flaging as inactive a device.
A. Remove a license: Because in our example every device has an ACTIVE license, we will exemplify how to remove one:
- Click the Action button of an user ➜ Click Remove License
- A pop-up will appear ➜ Click Ok
- The Removed License will return in the Pool of Licenses, and the License status of the device from our example will be:
B. Move a license: We can move the ACTIVE or ASSIGNED license of a device to a device with the License status NONE
- Click the Action button of a user with license ➜ Click Move
- A pop-up will appear ➜ select the device without a license from the dropdown ➜ click Confirm
- E.g. The ACTIVE license of the Roc device has been moved and assigned to the S20+ device, while the License status of Roc device changed to NONE
C. Assign a license: We will assign a license to the device without one.
- Click the Action button of a user without license ➜ Click Assign license
- A pop-up will appear ➜ Click Ok
- E.g. All devices have an ACTIVE or ASSIGNED license
D. Flag as inactive: We can Flag as inactive only the devices without an ACTIVE or ASSIGNED license. (e.g. we reset the License status for Device S20+ to NONE)
- Click the Action button of a user without license ➜ Click Flag as inactive
- A pop-up will appear ➜ Click Ok
- The device set as inactive will no longer be visible in the list of Devices
- You can see all the inactive devices by checking Show inactive devices box
Click on Users from the main option bar.
Creating users/operators will allow you to assign permissions for each user. This is possible by having a unique e-mail address for each operator in your Enterprise Account. It can be an already existing e-mail address within your company, or a generic e-mail address used only in CountThings app.
how to create users/operators for your Enterprise Account and assign permissions by following this
Click on Settings form the main option bar.
1. You can change the Account Details
A. Here are all the details of your Enterprise Account. You can change them if needed and add extra details or notes for the Operators.
B. Click Save Changes
2. You can change the password of your Enterprise Account
A. From the left side of the screen ➜ click Change Password
B. Complete the fields requiring the new password
C. Click Update Password
Configuration Snapshots
Configuration Snapshots comes in hand when the admin decides to set up the same settings for each device within the company, without having to do this process manually.
The admin will create a profile configuration that reflects the settings of the users, save it on the device, and then upload it to the Enterprise Account. By doing this, the user will only have to apply those changes to their device by clicking the "Apply" button.
At the moment, this feature can be used only by iOS devices.
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