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CountThings from Photos App is the best way to automatically count items! It’s fast, safe and easy to use; it provides many features that allow you to collect important information about the counted items. Our app is suitable for a wide variety of industries, making it a versatile solution for your counting needs.
To get started, we will count from a picture with drawn x’s, so you can follow an example of a simple counting process. Download the app here, and start learning the "CountThings from Photos" app by drawing some X’s on a piece of paper. Make sure to transfer the photo in your windows device. Let the app do the counting for you!
  • Open CountThings from Photos Windows App and CREATE ACCOUNT or CONTINUE AS GUEST.
  • The Template Library Screen will open. Our app uses Counting Templates to know what to count.
  • Download Xs on White Paper Counting Template by clicking GET ➜ click DONE to continue your first counting process.
  • You are now in Home Screen ➜ click Open to import your photo of drawn x’s.
  • Click Count to start the automatic counting process.
  • When your counting result is visible, click Save to store your counting data.
More features to get the results you need
CountThings from Photos app is unique due to the multitude of features that you can benefit from, to get the job done quickly and accurately.

Here is a short list of our most used tools and features:

Counting Templates & Accuracy
The Counting Template tells the app what to count.

To ensure accuracy, we provide more than 300 Counting Templates in our Library, suitable for many industries.

Accuracy and speed depend on the match between the image that you count and the visual environment of the sample images.

We can create Counting Templates suited for you, using your sample images to teach the app what to count.
Contact us to get Counting Templates optimized for your needs.

Define Count Areas
Draw an area around the items you wish to include in your current count, and exclude background items not related to your count.
Visit our Define Count Area Guide to find out how to use this tool.

Detected items are tagged after a count. If there are any counting errors, you can add,delete or move tags to ensure 100% accuracy.
Visit our Correct Errors Guide to find out how to use this tool.

Create and customize Forms by including important details about your counted items and their results. This feature is useful for exporting counting data to a CSV file, and include additional data to Forms, such as GPS coordinates, volume of products, total counts, scanned barcodes and many more.
Visit our Create and Customize Forms Guide to find out how to use this tool.

Create your own Report design using CountThings from Photos Windows app, to automatically integrate counting data in your reports. Add texts, images, data, signatures and any relevant counting data. Automatically export the Reports as PDF files.
Visit our Create Reports using the App Guide to find out how to use this tool.

Saving and Integration
When using CountThings from Photos you can save the results to your device or send them to other systems through external web services or cloud services (Dropbox,Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive). Other workflow integration features are available (database integration such as Server Message Block / SMB).

Security Features
CountThings from Photos app assures you that your counted data is safe. You can always use the app offline, as long as you are logged in and have an active counting template.

We’re here to help
To customize the app to your unique environment, or to resolve any issues preventing 100% accuracy, reach out to us. We're here to help you.
For more information, please contact our Support Team at support@CountThings.com.
You can also request a virtual meeting with our experts to discuss how we can offer you the best counting experience.