"CountThings from Photos" is an automatic counting app that quickly and accurately counts items by detecting objects in photos. The app uses “
Counting Templates” to identify what to count, with each template designed for a specific type of object. You can choose a template from our library or contact us to create one tailored to your needs.
When you first open the app, it starts in “
Basic Mode”, providing a set of features designed to help you get started quickly. To access more functionality, switch to “
Advanced Mode”, where you can customize the interface by enabling only the features you need to match your workflow. For more information, refer to our
Customize Your Screens guide.
To get started, we will count from a picture with drawn X's, so you can follow an
example of a simple
counting process. Download the app
here, and start learning the "CountThings from Photos" app by
drawing some X's on a piece of paper. Let the app do the counting for you!