사용권 구매하기

모든 플랫폼에 적용됨
You can purchase license with corporate orders and pay with Wire, ACH, Check, or pay with Credit Card for self-serve payment.
앱을 사용하는 기기마다 유료 사용권이 필요합니다. 무료 체험판이나 데모 카운팅 템플릿 사용 시는 예외입니다.
사용권은 "계정 이메일"과 "디바이스 코드"를 통해 기기가 정해집니다.
회사들은 모든 소속 기기에 같은 이메일을 사용하는 것을 권장합니다. 개인 계정 (예: EmployeeName@YourCompany.com) 대신, 일반 회사 계정 (예: CountThings@YourCompany.com)을 만드는 것을 권장합니다. 사용 가능한 이메일인지 확인해 주세요.
사용권을 구매하려면:
Multiple devices can log in to a single account, we assign each device its own unique Device Code.
Below are the instructions for paying online using the self-serve method.
Use this method only if you buy a small number of licenses.
Purchase License using the Self-Serve Method
1. Go to our website CountThings.com
2. Log in using the e-mail address of your CountThings Account.
3. Once you are logged in, click on the Purchase License button from the top menu. Select the type of license you want to purchase. Press Next to continue.
4. Select the device(s) you want to purchase license(s) for. Press Next to continue.

If you want to buy licenses for multiple devices, all of them must be logged in with the generic company account in the app.

5. Choose if you want the license(s) to be renewed automatically (this option is available only when using Stripe in the purchase process).
Press Next to continue.
6. Check the Order summary with your chosen license(s) and device(s). Press Next to continue.
7. You can choose between 2 payment methods:
7.1 Pay with Credit Card through Stripe
7.2 Pay with PayPal
8. Open your CountThings from Photos app, go to Account and verify the license allocation and the expiration date.
This is how your active license should look like on the mobile app.
This is how your active license should look like on the Windows app.
For more information, please contact our Support Team at support@CountThings.com.
You can also request a virtual meeting with our experts to discuss how we can offer you the best counting experience.