
Automatic Counting Apps for Your Industrial Operations

Apps to Count Things from Photos & Videos

CountThings From Photos

Automatically count items from photos on your mobile devices, Windows computer, or tablet. We'll optimize the app to your needs.

CountThings From Video

Utilize computer vision to identify, classify, count, and trigger actions automatically. We'll tailor the software to your requirements.

Reliable counting for industrial use

Engineered for industrial operations, our apps turn the error-prone task of manual counting into an efficient and precise process. High subscription renewal rates, coupled with a growing number of licenses among our existing clients, underscore the effectiveness and reliability of our apps.

Pill counting with the CountThings app.
Pipe counting with the CountThings app.
Drug enforcement officer counts pills using the CountThings app.
Log counting with the CountThings app.
Drywall counting with the CountThings app.
Timber counting with the CountThings app.

How “CountThings from Photos” works

"새로운 사진 찍기"를 클릭하세요
"카운팅하기" 를 클릭하세요
리뷰하고 저장

매번 정확한 결과 얻기

100% 정확성을 얻지 못하는 경우, 저희에게 문의하세요. 대부분의 경우, 저희가 더 나은 계산 템플릿을 만들 수 있습니다.

Get accurate counting every time.

Optimize Our Counting App
for Your Industrial Needs

Optimize Our Counting App for Your Industrial Needs

Choose a Counting Template from our template library, or reach out to us to create or refine a template tailored to your requirements. Each template is designed to count specific types of objects, guiding the app on exactly what to count. Templates are created or optimized by analyzing patterns from multiple sample images similar to those you use when counting.

Customize the app interface to fit your workflow by enabling only the features you need and hiding buttons you do not need, resulting in a clean and user-friendly experience for your team.

Custom features and add-ons for the CountThings apps.


Pricing for "CountThings from Photos"

7일 무료 일회용 라이센스 받기

Download the app and create an account to instantly access your free trial.

Get accurate counting every time.
24시간 사용권

Unlimited number of counts for each 24-hour license

각 24시간 라이선스는 활성화된 시점부터 24시간 동안 카운트할 수 있도록 해줍니다. 팩의 각 라이선스는 계정의 다른 장치에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
Count Pack

Limited number of counts to use whenever you need

All counts expire one year from the purchase date.

OEM & Enterprise Counting Solutions
Tailored to Your Needs with Volume Pricing

We customize our counting solution to fit your specific needs, including branding and integration with existing systems if required. This ensures your users can start using the solution right away, without extra setup. Pricing is based on usage patterns and volume.

Get accurate counting every time.

Pricing for "CountThings from Video"

Get the app

Get "CountThings from Photos" for mobile devices

iOS 장치(아이폰, 아이패드)
안드로이드 폰 & 태블릿
Get the Windows version of “CountThings” software here.

Security & Privacy

Our apps work on your device, not online, so your data stays private. You can use the app offline with a Standard Subscription. Internet is needed only for free counts and floating licenses.

우리에게 연락하세요

Use this form for comments, questions, customization, optimization, or volume pricing inquiries.

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