
Automatic Counting Apps for
Industrial Automation and
Digital Transformation

Apps to Count Things from Photos & Videos

"CountThings from Photos" app

Automatically count items from photos on your mobile devices, Windows computer, or tablet. We'll optimize the app to your needs.

"CountThings from Video" software

Utilize computer vision to identify, classify, count, and trigger actions automatically. We'll tailor the software to your requirements.

Reliable counting for industrial use

Engineered for industrial operations, our apps turn the error-prone task of manual counting into an efficient and precise process. High subscription renewal rates, coupled with a growing number of licenses among our existing clients, underscore the effectiveness and reliability of our apps.

Pill counting with the CountThings app.
Pipe counting with the CountThings app.
Drug enforcement officer counts pills using the CountThings app.
Log counting with the CountThings app.
Drywall counting with the CountThings app.
Timber counting with the CountThings app.

How “CountThings from Photo” works

"Toma una foto"
Selecciona "Contar"
Revisa y Guarda

Resultados precisos en cada conteo

Si no encuentras una plantilla con la que puedas contar tus objetos con una precisión del 100%, contáctanos y en la mayoría de los casos, podemos crear una plantilla que se adapte a tus necesidades específicas.

Get accurate counting every time.

Funciones personalizadas y complementos

We understand the uniqueness of each organization. We work closely with you to tailor the apps to your environment.

Our R&D Engineering team can add custom features as needed.

Don't hesitate to contact us; we're here to help!

Custom features and add-ons for the CountThings apps.


Pricing for "CountThings from Photos"

Licencia de 24 horas
Paquete de 4
Licencias de 24 horas
Paquete de 10
Licencias de 24 horas
Cada licencia de 24 horas le permitirá hacer uso de la aplicación durante 24 horas desde su activación.
Volume Pricing
¡Mejora la eficiencia de tu equipo! Obtén precio de mayoreo al comprar múltiples licencias.

Descargue GRATIS nuestra aplicación y pruebe 7 días de conteo ilimitado

Get the app

Get "CountThings from Photos" for mobile devices

Dispositivos IOS (Iphone, Ipad)
Dispositivos Android (Móvil, Tabletas)
Get the Windows version of “CountThings” software here.

Security & Privacy

Our apps work on your device, not online, so your data stays private. You can use the app offline with a Standard Subscription. Internet is needed only for free counts and floating licenses.


Use this form for comments, questions, customization, optimization, or volume pricing inquiries.

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Su información será privada.